An Update On Life

If there was an award for worst blogger ever, I would definitely with out doubt win it. I have a huge list of excuses, but the main reason is because I am lazy as fuck. This doesn't mean that I didn't do anything lately. Because the opposite is true. But when I had nothing to do, I took that opportunity with both hands and did absolutely nothing. School is, as usual, killing me with al kinds of exams and tasks. And when a exam or tasks is done they already have made up something new. But guess that's all part of graduating. Next to all the exams of high school, I am also quite busy with applying to art school. Yesterday I went to the KABK in Den Haag. I really liked it there, which makes me doubt at the moment, because I really wanted to go to ArtEZ in Arnhem, but I am not sure about that any more now that I went to KABK. This friday I have my first applying test in Arnhem. I am not really nervous, more excited for it. So that's a good thing. Further I finally done with my 'profiel werkstuk' the magazine that I made, is online since tuesday and you can watch it here. I really enjoyed working on it, but I am also really glad that it's done. I think I update you about everything that's going on in my life at the moment. The pictures are taking in Berlin by the way, I was there during christmas with my parents and sister. I must go now, but I promise I am going to try to be a better blogger. I am trying, if I am going to succeed at it is something we both don't know. But at least I am trying! XO

Pretty In Pink

Happy New Year

Of course I wish you all the best, luck and health in 2012! I also hope your previous year was amazing. Mine was ok, had some amazing moments, but also some I rather forget. Made al lot of new friends, lost some old ones. Met some amazing people. Learnt a lot, made also some mistakes. Went to many new and some old places. My goal for next year is getting my diploma and getting into art school. All the other things like losing weight, falling in love, stay healthy, etc. Those things would be lovely as well, but losing weight isn't really my thing, and the rest aren't things you should ask for, they should come to you or you should make them happen of course haha! Because destiny is for losers, it's just a lame excuse for letting things happen to you instead of making them happen! Happy new year! XXX